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A NSW Government website

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  • image of women with note pad and is writing baby names down

    Popular baby names from 1952 - 2022

    Want to find out if your name was part of a trend or was unique?

  • image of wooden house and lease contract and set of key

    Find out how tenancies end in NSW

    14,985 responses were lodged to the NSW End of tenancy surveys, between July-September 2022.

  • Image of a hand, palm facing upward with icons of technologies like smartphone, cloud etc

    Data Champions Network (DCN) meeting - October 2022

    More than 140 data professionals and enthusiasts from across government tuned in for the last DCN meeting for 2022 on Friday 28 October 2022.

  • RTW

    Right to Know Week 2022

    'Artificial Intelligence (AI), e-Governance and Access to Information: Next steps in NSW digital government’.

  • image of a creative artwork for the blog, includes a visual map of Australia highlighting NSW

    NSW Budget 2022-23

    Visual map which is an interactive interface that displays data on the NSW Government’s infrastructure and capitals investments

  • Light blue-grey hue over the whole image, featuring a man touching white-rimmed electronic tablet (like an iPad, but unbranded), with the words "NLP Natural Language Processing" displayed next to a small cute robot-like icon with two speech bubbles.

    Case Study - NLP and the FuelCheck App

    The NSW FuelCheck app is a helpful tool for viewing daily fuel prices at petrol stations across NSW, with more than 2400 service stations in NSW uploading fuel prices in real time.

  • Picture of digital wire with icons

    International Data Week 2022

    This year's theme for IDW is “Data to improve our world” in response to major global challenges.

  • Image of IPC Privacy Awareness Week - The foundation of trust - we all have a tole to play

    Privacy Awareness Week 2022

    Data.NSW proudly supports Privacy Awareness Week from 2 May to 8 May 2022. The theme this year is ‘Privacy: The foundation of trust – we all have a role to play’.

  • The text "Data Privacy Week", surrounded by concentric rings of small circles in various shades of blue.

    Data Privacy Week 2022

    It’s Data Privacy Week this week from 24 to 28 January 2022. This year’s theme is “Respect Privacy”.