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Data Sharing Principles

Data sharing is where NSW government agencies provide authorised access, usually within government or to research institutions, to the data they hold in a controlled manner, to help deliver better outcomes to the people of NSW. 

The ‘Five Safes’ is an internationally recognised risk management model designed to help identify and manage data sharing risks. Under this framework, data sharing risks are managed across five 'safety' dimensions: people, projects, settings, output and data. 

Five safes icons

For each of the safe dimensions, there are a set of questions that you should ask the Data Requester that will help you identify and manage any risks. You can do this by asking them to complete a data sharing request / access form or by having a conversation with them directly. 

Safe People

Sharing data only with authorised users

Government agencies may only share data with users who are able to use the data appropriately and keep the data safe. 

Safe people have the knowledge, skills and incentives to store and use the data appropriately. 

Key questions to assess this dimension: 

  • Are they appropriately equipped, and do they possess the relevant skills and experience to effectively use the data for the proposed purpose? 
  • Will they restrict data access to only specified persons with the appropriate security clearance/s? 
  • Will they engage with the agency providing the information to support the use of the data for the proposed purpose? 
  • Are other persons or bodies invested in the outputs of the project

Last updated 09 Aug 2024