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A NSW Government website

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  • Visual image

    Five Tips for Getting Visual with Data

    The Data Practice team has been tasked with building data maturity within NSW Government. We’ve been experimenting with tools and technologies, working to support agencies with their specific needs involving data and insights. A reoccurring theme in our discussions has been around how to prepare meaningful data visualisations.

  • Study image

    Education, Training & Employment Case Study

    Vocational Education and Training (VET) 

    Vocational Education and Training (VET) partners with industry and government to provide people with workplace skills and technical knowledge to help them advance their career.

    Currently, 77% of VET graduates in NSW are employed after training.

  • People on train

    Transport for NSW Data Hub


    Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is responsible for planning, strategy, policy and procurement across all modes of transport in NSW. It works in partnership with transport operating agencies and private service providers to ensure the delivery of a safe, integrated and efficient transport system for NSW citizens.

    The challenge

    Population growth, rapid technological innovation and increasing public demand for more efficient transport services means the sector is constantly undergoing rapid change.

  • Crash image

    CTP Insurance Scheme Case Study

    State Insurance Regulatory Authority

    NSW CTP insurance scheme indemnifies vehicle owners and drivers liable for personal injury caused to other parties in the event of a motor vehicle accident.

    A new CTP scheme was rolled out in December 2017, reflecting reform to better support people injured on NSW roads, and reducing cost of Green Slips to vehicle owners.

  • Agile image

    Sprinting with Data Policy

    The Challenge 

    The Information and Data Policy team took on the challenge of applying new agile policy development techniques to reforming NSW data strategies and policies for more than three weeks in October and November last year, in conjunction with the newly established Policy Lab.  

  • Survey image

    Data Skills Survey Report

    People working for NSW Government have a tremendous enthusiasm for data and want to learn more about safely and effectively using it in their day-to-day roles.

    That’s the key finding from the Department of Finance, Service and Innovation’s (DFSI) recent NSW Government Data Skills Survey.

    We conducted the short seven-question survey last year and sent it to government digital.nsw subscribers. We received 1,156 responses.

  • Digital world

    Managing information and data in today’s digital world

    We are living in the age of information and one of the greatest challenges in the digital world is governing, harnessing, managing, protecting, using and reusing the vast amount of information and data we’re generating.

  • People image

    Driving data maturity one champion at a time

    Increasingly, governments around the world are realising that the data they collect is one of their key strategic assets. Data-driven decision-making allows governments to allocate their resources more effectively and deliver better outcomes for the people they serve.  

  • Journey

    Announcing the next phase of our collaborative data journey

    DFSI is working to transform how NSW government operates and to support people with better government services. The effective use of data will be at the heart of this digital transformation.