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14,985 responses were lodged to the NSW End of tenancy surveys, between July-September 2022. Of the total responses, 75% of responses were from tenants; 22% from managing agents; and 3% from landlords.  

From the responses, 58% had fixed term leases, and 42% had periodic (week-to-week) leases. 57.6% of tenancies were ended by tenants, 21.5% were ended by agents or landlords, 18.9% were ended by landlord and tenant agreeing end of tenancy and no notice was served, 1.3% ended with a tribunal order and 0.5% ended with tenant abandoning the property.  

bar graph of how tenancy ended in percentage

(Chart 1, Percentage distribution of “How tenancy ended Jul – Sep 2021”)

Where can I view the survey and data? 

The end of tenancy survey questions and data is available to view and download on the Data.NSW open data portal

What is an end of tenancy survey? 

Fair Trading is conducting an ongoing quarterly End of tenancy survey to collect data about how and why tenancies end. Tenants, landlords, and agents can voluntarily complete this survey after a bond claim is finalised online through the Rental Bond Online system. The survey helps to inform, assess and evaluate tenancy policy in NSW. Understanding rental experiences will help future tenancy reforms. 

For more information on the end of tenancy survey, visit NSW Fair Trading

Feedback and question

If you have any questions about the Fair-Trading end of survey, or feedback you would like to share, please contact us at