Речник података

Колона Тип Лабела Опис
Year Code text
Total Staff numeric
Males numeric
% Males numeric
Female numeric
% Female numeric
People with a Disability numeric
% People with a Disability numeric
People with a Disability Requiring Work-related Adjustment numeric
% People with a Disability Requiring Work-related Adjustment numeric
Person from a Racial, Ethnic or Ethno Relgious Minority Group numeric
% Person from a Racial, Ethnic or Ethno Relgious Minority Group numeric
First Language spoken not English numeric
% First Language spoken not English numeric

Додатне информације

Поље Вредност
Подаци ажурирани последњи пут непознат
Мета подаци ажурирани последњи пут 25. јул 2016.
Креирано непознат
Формат XLS
Лиценца Creative Commons Attribution
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Has viewsTrue
Package id30bc9bcf-fd3e-4477-86ea-32652ba8a311
Url typeupload
Креиранопре 8 година