Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Opis
Year Code text
Total Staff numeric
Males numeric
% Males numeric
Female numeric
% Female numeric
People with a Disability numeric
% People with a Disability numeric
People with a Disability Requiring Work-related Adjustment numeric
% People with a Disability Requiring Work-related Adjustment numeric
Person from a Racial, Ethnic or Ethno Relgious Minority Group numeric
% Person from a Racial, Ethnic or Ethno Relgious Minority Group numeric
First Language spoken not English numeric
% First Language spoken not English numeric

Dodatne informacije

Polje Vrednost
Data last updated neznano
Metadata last updated 25. julij 2016
Ustvarjeno neznano
Format XLS
Licenca Creative Commons Attribution
Ustvarjenopred 8 leti
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Has viewsTrue
Package id30bc9bcf-fd3e-4477-86ea-32652ba8a311
Url typeupload