The NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey (PSDES) collects information about the main destinations of recent school leavers in the 6 to 12 months after leaving school.
Data Notes
The survey collected data on school leavers in the 6-12 months after leaving school in 2023, School leavers comprise students who completed Year 12 and students who left school while they were in Year 10, 11 or 12 (early school leavers).
There are some caveats and limitations in the generalisability of survey findings to the total population of recent school leavers in NSW. For example, students who completed Year 12 via an alternative pathway other than the HSC, such as the International Baccalaureate, are not counted as Year 12 completers and are not covered in the survey.
Prior to 2021 a stratified sampling approach was used for the mainstream Year 12 completer survey (excluding Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and non-Connected Community school leavers). The sampling strategy for this group changed to a census for the first time in 2021 and resulted in a marked increase in the overall proportion of responses collected from the target population.
Time series data of destinations by student type from 2014 to 2018 should be used with caution as some counts of school leavers are estimated from lower cell counts than in later years. Estimates in the data are based on base weights which are adjusted to matched population distributions for school leaver characteristics to minimise non-response bias.
Each table shows population estimates (as column totals) for each grouping variable and leaver type combination as well as weighted percentages for each of the 10 main destination categories included in the survey. Population estimates and destination percentage breakdowns are also included for all leavers (across leaver type). Findings are reported at a system level (across leavers from government and non-government schools).
For a full description of notes and caveats, see the 2023 Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey Technical Report
See the 2023 Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey, Annual Report and fact sheets
Data Source
NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey
Available tables in this dataset:
- Table 1 provides a breakdown of main destination by leaver type and survey year (2014 to 2023).
- Table 2 provides a breakdown of main destination by leaver type and gender (as self-identified) for 2023 only.
- Table 3 provides a breakdown of main destination by leaver type and Aboriginal status (as self-identified) for 2023 only.