Experimental electric vehicle use estimates (ABS)

The ABS released the following set of experimental electric vehicle estimates on Friday 26th November 2021. These estimates were derived from a small sample of electric passenger vehicles selected in each state and territory as part of the 2019-20 Survey of Motor Vehicle Use (SMVU). This sample of electric passenger vehicles were surveyed using a subset of SMVU questions relating to distance travelled.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Title Experimental electric vehicle use estimates (ABS)
Licence cc-by
Data Status
Update Frequency
Landing Page https://data.nsw.gov.au/data/en/dataset/34d70542-8a91-4463-b094-2b54675be51d
Date Published 2022-07-09
Date Updated 2024-01-11
Geospatial Coverage
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Transport for NSW