From Transport NSW Clearways
Spatial dataset in shapefile format for known clearways, bus lanes and transit lanes within Sydney Region. The dataset may not be complete. Note: Data is current as of 2018.... -
From Transport Infrastructure Cycleway Data
Shapefile for the TfNSW bicycle network maintained by Roads and Waterways. This dataset is automatically updated monthly when changes occur. -
From Transport Bus Lanes
Bus lanes are sign-posted or marked as bus lanes. They are provided primarily for buses, but can also be used by: * Taxis * Hire cars (but not rental cars) * Motorcycles and... -
From Transport NSW Boat Registrations and Licences
This dataset shows the number of registered boats by postcode in NSW and the number of active boat licences by postcode in NSW. Maritime NSW deals with recreational boating so... -
From Transport Bus Guides for Metro stations
This dataset provides Bus Guides for 13 Metro Stations along the Sydney Metro North West Line, including 8 new metro stations along the Chatswood to Sydenham extension due to... -
From Transport NSW TrainLink Regional Train And Coaches Statistics
This dataset contains NSW Trainlink train and coach (bus) utilisation figures. The data is aggregated to a total monthly figure representing the estimated number of trips. The... -
From Transport Reference Tables for TfNSW GTFS feeds
Reference tables for TfNSW data. A complete list of agencies and how they are defined in each GTFS feed. Using Complete GTFS + Real-Time GTFS feeds The reference tables... -
From Transport Greater Sydney & Outer Metropolitan Bus Service Performance Data
This dataset provides monthly measures for on-time running, service cancellations, customer complaints, and customer experience metrics across all Greater Sydney Bus Contract... -
From Transport Transport for NSW Mobility Parking Permit Statistics
These datasets contain the total number of Mobility Parking Scheme transactions and statuses. The data includes: The count (number) of Mobility Parking Scheme transactions per... -
From Transport Transport for NSW Driver Licence Test Statistics
These datasets contain the total number of Driver and Rider Testing transactions. The data includes: The count (number) of driver and rider test per month for a given year. The... -
From Transport Transport for NSW Photo Card Statistics
These datasets contain the total number of photo card transactions and statuses. The data includes: The count (number) of Photo Card transactions per month for a given year. The... -
From Transport Transport for NSW Vehicle Registration Statistics
These datasets contain the total number of Registration transactions and Statuses. The data includes: The count (number) of Registered Vehicle Transactions per month for a given... -
From Transport Transport for NSW Driver Licence Statistics
These datasets contain the total number of Licensing Transactions and Statuses. The data includes: The count (number) of Licence Upgrade and Downgrade, Interstate Licence... -
From Transport Transport for NSW Driver Licence Sanction Statistics
These datasets contain the total number of Sanction transactions and statuses. The data includes: The count (number) of Active Licence Suspension and Cancellations at the end of... -
From Transport NSW TrainLink sales agent details
This dataset contains details for NSW TrainLink sales agents, including address, telephone number, opening hours and latitude/longitude. This data is also available at the... -
From Transport Bike Shed Usage
Bike sheds are enclosed shared shelters where you can store your bicycle out of the weather, free of charge. They accommodate between 20 and 50 bicycles, depending on... -
From Transport Speed Zones
Speed zones are set to enable drivers travelling at a speed limit to safely respond to potential risks in the road environment. This dataset contains data for NSW speed zones... -
From Transport Sydney Light Rail Stop Guides
The Sydney light rail network is a light rail system serving the Australian city of Sydney. The network currently consists of three passenger routes, the L1 Dulwich Hill, L2... -
From Transport Transport Mode Symbols and Pictograms
Here you can find symbols and pictograms for all transport modes to use in your apps, products and other projects. Symbols and icons are available in various formats, while all... -
From Transport Bike Share Patronage
This dataset contains monthly patronage data for the Bykko bike share service.