Boating maps for NSW waterways

This data is maintained by Transport for NSW Roads and Waterways.

Boating maps are a vital tool for negotiating NSW waterways. They include handy hints for safe boating. This dataset provides Boating maps for the following areas:

* North Coast maps

* Hunter Inland maps

* Hawkesbury River/Broken Bay maps

* Sydney maps

* South Coast maps

* Murray Inland maps

* Coastal maps

* Australian Capital Territory maps

You will find the map number, area and date it was last update. The maps capture, restricted waters, navigation aids, restricted activities and cautions, boating facilities and general information.

Click on Go to Resource to access the website.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Title Boating maps for NSW waterways
Licence notspecified
Data Status
Update Frequency
Landing Page
Date Published 2022-07-09
Date Updated 2024-01-11
Geospatial Coverage
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Transport for NSW