Master dataset: NSW government school locations and student enrolment numbers
The master dataset contains comprehensive information for all government schools in NSW. Data items include school locations, latitude and longitude coordinates, school type,... -
Director, Educational Leadership Offices
Contact details and names for Director, Educational Leadership offices and leaders by directorate. These are the educational leaders for each network office (region). Data... -
NSW government school enrolments by head count (2004-2023)
This dataset shows the student headcount for each individual NSW government school since 2004. Data Notes: National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC) enrolments collected as... -
School intake zones (catchment areas) for NSW government schools
Data Notes: NSW public schools have defined local enrolment areas, meaning that every child is entitled to enrol in a particular school based on his or her residential address.... -
Secondary education schools by selective, specialist and co-educational...
Data Notes: Includes secondary schools and central/community schools. Secondary schools generally enrol students in Years 7 to 12, although some secondary schools only enrol... -
Resource Allocation Model (RAM) funding table
The Resource Allocation Model (RAM) was developed to ensure a fair, efficient and transparent allocation of the state public education budget for every school. The model... -
NSW government schools by type and SA4 groupings (2013-2023)
Data Notes: Primary schools enrol students in Kindergarten to Year 6. Secondary schools generally enrol students in Years 7 to 12, although some secondary schools only enrol... -
NSW government schools by size (2008-2023)
Data Notes: Data tables from 2016 onwards report school size by number of students. The previous “school classification” is no longer applicable. Primary schools enrol students... -
NSW Government schools by school type (2001-2023)
Data Notes: Primary schools enrol students in Kindergarten to Year 6. Secondary schools generally enrol students in Years 7 to 12, although some secondary schools only enrol... -
NSW government schools by remoteness and SA4 grouping (2014-2023)
Data Notes: 'SA4 grouping’ and ‘remoteness’ describe areas within NSW. Both are ABS standard categories. SA4 group relates to a predefined geographical area, based on population... -
NSW government schools by FOEI bands and SA4 groupings (2014-2023)
Data Notes: NSW government schools by Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI), as at Mid-Year Census, conducted in August each year. FOEI is a school level index of... -
Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments by individual NSW government schools,...
Data Notes: Data is derived from the National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC), which is managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Enrolments are full-time equivalent... -
Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) information for NSW Government schools
This data set contains Statistical Area Level 4 (SA4) information on all NSW Government schools, including schools that have received a status of ‘Not operational’ since 2010....