NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework - Land Cover - Soil Landscape

Soil Landscapes comprise of the Soil Landscape Series mapping based on standard 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 topographic sheets and Soil and Land Resource Series mapping using catchment boundaries or other areas of state significance. Mapping and accompanying reports provide an inventory of soil and landscape properties of their area and identify major soil and landscape qualities and constraints.

The ‘Soil Landscape’ concept integrates soil and topographic features into single units with relatively uniform land management requirements. Soils are described in terms of Australian Soil Classification, Great Soil Group and Northcote classification systems. Key soil materials are also identified for the Soil Landscape Series.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Geospatial Coverage New South Wales (NSW81093)
Temporal Coverage From 19/10/2018
Temporal Coverage To
Idioma English
Type Dataset
Data Status Active
Update Frequency Other (specify in dataset description/notes)
Display User Contact Details No
Publisher Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
Contact Email SS-SpatialOperations@finance.nsw.gov.au
Jurisdiction New South Wales Government