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Greater Sydney & Outer Metropolitan Bus Service Performance Data

This dataset provides monthly measures for on-time running, service cancellations, customer complaints, and customer experience metrics across all Greater Sydney Bus Contract (GSBC) and Outer Sydney Metropolitan Bus Contract (OSMBSC) contracts.

Data Description :

Monthly % Bus Service Cancellations : Percentage of timetabled services that were cancelled at the First Transit Stop of a trip.

Monthly % Bus Service Untracked Trips : Percentage of timetabled services that were not tracked in real time at the First Transit Stop of a trip.

Monthly Bus Driver Vacancies : Number of driver vacancies.

Monthly Bus Related Complaints : The level of bus related customer complaints per 100,000 boardings.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Title Greater Sydney & Outer Metropolitan Bus Service Performance Data
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Landing Page https://data.nsw.gov.au/data/dataset/760486aa-7b4b-4f85-a5a2-154f96c70d1c
Date Published 2024-01-18
Date Updated 2024-08-20
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Transport for NSW