From SEED Potential natural vegetation for Cobbadah, Manilla and Tamworth VIS_ID 3797
Potential natural vegetation is mapped to local scale plant community level in the Cobbadah, Manilla and Tamworth 1 : 100 000 mapsheets. The mapsheets fall within the Namoi and... -
From SEED High Ecological Value Waterways and Water Dependent Ecosystems - CAMDEN LGA
A map of the high ecological value waterways and water dependent ecosystems for the Camden LGA was prepared by the Science Division of the Department of Planning, Industry and... -
From SEED Shellharbour seabed landforms derived from multibeam echosounder data 2022
Mulitbeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetry data were collected offshore of Shellharbour, NSW in 2017. Bathymetry data coverage extends from Port Kembla to Bass Point, and ranges... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands for the Far North Coast Regional Strategy
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Far North Coastand interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales; State: Areas identified... -
From ePlanning State Vegetation Type Map (SVTM) Modelling Grid Collection
The SVTM Modelling Grid Collection refers to a suite of around 80 environmental layers that are used for species distribution modelling (SDM). Environmental layers comprise... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands (Detailed Version) for the Upper Hunter Regional Strategy
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Upper Hunter and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales State: Areas identified as... -
From SEED Multi Attribute Data - Macleay River Catchment - Landform and Condition Dataset
The multiple attribute mapping process as applied in this dataset provides a vector based inventory of the landscape in terms of landuse, vegetation, presence of tree regrowth,... -
From SEED Multi Attribute Data - Hastings River Catchment - Landform and Condition Dataset
The multiple attribute mapping process as applied in this dataset provides a vector based inventory of the landscape in terms of landuse, vegetation, presence of tree regrowth,... -
From SEED Community Wildlife Survey (NSW Government)
The Community Wildlife Survey is used to determine the presence or absence of koalas and other wildlife across NSW (crowd-sourced data) and the community’s perceptions of change... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands (Detailed State Version) for the Mid North Coast Regional Strategy
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Mid North Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales State: Areas identified... -
From SEED Multi Attribute Data - Clarence River Catchment - Landform and Condition Dataset
The multiple attribute mapping process as applied in this dataset provides a vector based inventory of the landscape in terms of landuse, vegetation, presence of tree regrowth,... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands (Detailed Local Version) for the Mid North Coast Regional Strategy
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Mid North Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales: State: Areas identified... -
From SEED High Ecological Value Waterways and Water Dependent Ecosystems - CANADA BAY LGA
A map of the high ecological value waterways and water dependent ecosystems for the Canada Bay LGA was prepared by the Science Division of the Department of Planning, Industry... -
From ePlanning NSW Koala Likelihood Map v2.0 (August 2019)
The Koala Likelihood Map (KLM) predicts the likelihood of finding a koala relative to other arboreal mammals across a 10-km grid covering NSW. It is built using existing... -
From SEED Vegetation & floristics of Boronga Nature Reserve, 2006. VIS_ID 4018
The vegetation & florisitcs of Boronga Nature Reserve is described and mapped (1:50 000). Six communities were mapped based on ground truthing, air photo interpretation and... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands (Detailed Version) for the Far North Coast Regional Strategy
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Far North Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales State: Areas identified... -
From ePlanning NSW Koala Habitat Suitability Model 5m v1.1
This is a state-wide model of the potential of a given location to support koalas. Two versions of the model exist, a continuous model with habitat suitability values ranging... -
From SEED Corridors - Cessnock LGA
The Department of Planning provides support to Local Government to enable evidence-based planning decisions. Biodiversity and Conservation Division collaborated with Cessnock... -
From SEED Biodiversity Conservation Lands (Detailed Version) for the Central Coast Regional Strategy
The Biodiversity Conservation Lands dataset has been compiled for the Central Coast and interpreted as presenting planning constraints at three scales; State: Areas identified... -
From ePlanning Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard
The Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard (BAM market sales dashboard) provides current sales data for biodiversity credits created using the Biodiversity Assessment...