187 results found

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  • From City of Sydney Open data

    Download or connect to open data endpoints Get data Download data as spreadsheet, kml, shapefile or connect to service APIs to stay up to date. Create maps Create maps, analyse...
  • From City of Sydney Car share bay operator

    The City of Sydney supports car sharing because it enables more sustainable travel habits and helps keep our businesses and residents connected. This layer provides the...
  • From City of Sydney Natural gas intensity by sector

    Natural gas intensity data (MJ/m2) by sector within the City of Sydney local government area from baseline 2005/06 to data available for the latest financial year, derived from...
  • From City of Sydney History in pictures

    Look through the spyglass and see Sydney in 1943
  • From City of Sydney Trees explorer

    Trees on the City of Sydney asset register. Park and street trees only.
  • From City of Sydney Data hub map gallery

    A gallery application to categorise public maps shown on the City of Sydney Data hub.
  • From City of Sydney Planning Controls Viewer

    This service allows you to browse Sydney Local Environment Plan (LEP) 2012 and Sydney Development Control Plan (DCP) 2012 in an interactive map viewer.For disclaimer and data...
  • From City of Sydney Street safety cameras

    Certain areas of the City of Sydney have higher rates of crime than others. We have installed street safety (CCTV) cameras in these areas identified by the NSW Bureau of Crime...
  • From City of Sydney Potable water intensity by suburb

    Potable water intensity data (kL/m2) by suburb within the City of Sydney local government area from baseline 2005/06 to data available for the latest financial year, derived...
  • From City of Sydney Walking counts

    Twice a year we carry out walking count surveys to give us a picture of walking trends across the local area. The counts take place at around 100 locations from 6am to midnight...
  • From City of Sydney Historic ward boundaries

    Ward boundaries within the City of Sydney local government area (LGA) have shifted many times, dramatically affecting the number and character of people entitled to vote. The...
  • From City of Sydney Aboriginal History Explorer

    Location and summary information of places that have historical associations for Aboriginal people.
  • From City of Sydney Tree donations

    The City of Sydney welcomes tree donations from the public. Our tree donation policy has been designed to encourage community participation in the greening of Sydney.More...
  • From City of Sydney Waste generation by suburb

    Waste generation data (tonnes) by suburb within the City of Sydney local government area from baseline 2005/06 to data available for the latest financial year.
  • From City of Sydney Playgrounds

    There are many fun and safe playgrounds in the local area. We have put together the map and table below to help you find a playground close to home. The key will let you know...
  • From City of Sydney Environmental grant projects

    Our environmental performance grants help businesses and residents undertake projects to improve the environmental performance of their buildings. We want to enable people to...
  • From City of Sydney Natural gas intensity by suburb

    Natural Gas intensity data (MJ/m2) by suburb within the City of Sydney local government area from baseline 2005/06 to data available for the latest financial year, derived from...
  • From City of Sydney Electricity intensity by suburb

    Electricity intensity data (kWh/m2) by suburb within the City of Sydney local government area from baseline 2005/06 to data available for the latest financial year, derived from...
  • From City of Sydney Natural gas consumption by suburb

    Natural Gas consumption data (MJ) by suburb within the City of Sydney local government area from baseline 2005/06 to data available for the latest financial year, derived from...
  • From City of Sydney Electricity consumption by suburb

    Electricity consumption data (kWh) by suburb within the City of Sydney local government area from baseline 2005/06 to data available for the latest financial year, derived from...