Water New South Wales (WNSW)

WaterNSW is Australia’s largest water supplier and NSW’s major supplier of raw water. It delivers water from 42 large dams, pipelines and the State’s rivers to regional towns, irrigators, Sydney Water and other licensed authorities, retail suppliers and councils.

WaterNSW develops infrastructure solutions for water supply security and reliability. It then plans, builds, operates and maintains that infrastructure. WaterNSW also promotes improvements in achievable water quality standards and contributes to the protection of public health and the environment through enhanced catchment protection practices in declared catchments. It undertakes research relating to the declared catchment areas under our stewardship and we perform an educative role within the community in relation to water quality and catchment health.

See http://www.waternsw.com.au/

Informazioni addizionali

Campo Valore
email gis@waternsw.com.au
jurisdiction New South Wales Government
website https://www.waternsw.com.au/