Vocabulary for categorising Earth Science survey and monitoring efforts based on the features observed. This vocabulary is based on the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD, https://gcmd.earthdata.nasa.gov/KeywordViewer/) vocabulary, extended with terms from the TERN Feature Type vocabulary (http://linked.data.gov.au/def/tern-cv/68af3d25-c801-4089-afff-cf701e2bd61d) and modified to use taxonomic concepts URIs from the Australian National Species List (ANSL, https://biodiversity.org.au/nsl/) in place of the GCMD Earth Science > Biological Classification vocabulary. ANSL categories map more readily to biodiversity survey categories, since GCMD depends on a top-level division between vertebrates and invertebrates rather than offering an animal category.
The Dataset includes three files.
Vocabulary_EcoAssetsEarthScienceFeatures_1.0.2023-03-23.csv lists the vocabulary terms, with the following columns:
1. URI for term
2. URI for parent term (empty for top-level terms)
3. Label describing term
4. True if the URI is used as a feature facet (level 1, 2 or 3) in the EcoAssets Aggregated Data: Environmental Monitoring and Observations Effort dataset (https://doi.org/10.26197/e3n7-ys83), False otherwise
5. Short form of label used for facet
TreeView_EcoAssetsEarthScienceFeatures_1.0.2023-03-23.txt presents the vocabulary terms as a human-readable nested tree.
KeywordMapping_EcoAssetsEarthScienceFeatures_1.0.2023-03-23.csv lists keywords used in TERN and IMOS datasets and how these have been mapped against vocabulary terms with the following columns:
1. URI for term
2. Keyword used in TERN or IMOS metadata
3. National Research Infrastructure (NRI) using keyword (IMOS/TERN)
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