NSW government school enrolments by head count (2004-2023)

This dataset shows the student headcount for each individual NSW government school since 2004.

Data Notes:

  • National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC) enrolments collected as at the first Friday in August every year.

  • All NSSC enrolments are headcount figures for NSW government schools only.

  • Where a school had 5 or fewer students, the figure has been suppressed. A null figure indicates no enrolments were collected for NSSC in the given calendar year.

Data Source:

  • Statistics Unit. Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Unpublished false
Spatial {"type": "Point","coordinates": [147.0179,-32.1618]}
Geospatial Coverage NSW81093: New South Wales
Temporal Coverage From 2004-01-01
Temporal Coverage To 2023-12-31
Idioma eng
Data Status Active
Update Frequency
Display User Contact Details No
Publisher NSW Department of Education
Contact Email open.data@det.nsw.edu.au
Jurisdiction New South Wales