Greater Sydney Region Tree Canopy 2022

The Greater Sydney Region 2022 canopy dataset provides information on tree canopy cover, vegetation health, land surface temperature, and individual trees for the metropolitan urban area and metropolitan rural area of Greater Sydney. This data can be analysed from the individual tree point to regional scale. Having current and accurate estimates of tree canopy supports councils and government to reliably identify areas of tree canopy and confidently develop urban greening and heat island mitigation strategies and actions. This dataset provides the user with information at a known spatial accuracy. The dataset is based off aerial imagery with a resolution of 0.16cm to 0.48m (dependent on spectral band) captured by ArborCarbon Pty Ltd.

This dataset can be accessed by Greater Sydney councils, NSW Government employees, and members of the public (subject to department assessment and approval).

Please fill out this form to access the dataset. Users will be required to sign a Digital Data Deed Poll to access the data.

A version of the 2022 canopy dataset, summarised to Modified Mesh Block, is publicly available on the SEED portal here.

In the dataset, “tree canopy” is classified as all vegetation greater than 3m. “All vegetation” includes all vegetation, including tree canopy, greater than 0m. Note: due to data limitations, not all grass areas have been identified in their entirety.

More information on the 2022 Greater Sydney canopy dataset can be found here.

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Field Value
Unpublished false
Spatial { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 150.16937, -34.48392 ], [ 150.16937, -33.46811 ], [ 151.52, -33.46811 ], [ 151.52, -34.48392 ], [ 150.16937, -34.48392 ] ] ]}
Geospatial Coverage { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 150.16937, -34.48392 ], [ 150.16937, -33.46811 ], [ 151.52, -33.46811 ], [ 151.52, -34.48392 ], [ 150.16937, -34.48392 ] ] ]}
Temporal Coverage From 2022-10-03
Temporal Coverage To 2023-02-20
Data Status
Update Frequency notPlanned
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