This dataset includes the open data sets we have about cycling and bicycle counts and includes the following data:
The Popup Cycleway data includes six popup cycleways in key commuter areas across the city to promote walking and cycling. It's part of a set of initiatives developed across the Sydney region to provide people more options to safely walk, cycle and commute to work in 2020. More cycleway (bike paths) data can be referenced from the Cycleway Finder and Open Street Map.
* Cycling count
The Cycling count data contains the data for different local government area (LGA). The City of Sydney has conducted twice yearly intersection cycle counts at various sites in peak hours (6-9 am and 4-7 pm) on one day in March and October every year, since March 2010 (excluding March 2018). This data is consolidated to provide a total number of cyclists at the site during peak hours.
* Cycleway Data
The Cycleway infrastructure data is a database of the cycleway infrastructure located throughout NSW and maintained by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).
* Active Transport: Cycling
The information featured here include data from the Sydney Cycling Survey (SCS). The SCS surveys over 11,000 individuals from 4,000 households. It collects information about cyclists, cycling trips, cycling participation and cycling mode share.
Publications about cycling using data from the Household Travel Survey, Census of Population and Housing, and bicycle counters are also available.
* Cycle Network - City of Sydney
Existing, rideable bicycle routes through the City of Sydney local government area for bicycle commuters. For more information visit City of Sydney.
* Cycling Propensity
This dataset contains the propensity index for cycling across different areas. It also contains the report that examines spatial relationship between areas with high propensity for cycling with high concentrations of short distance car trips.