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Wyong LGA Vegetation Map 1999 VIS ID 739

Vegetation of the Wyong LGA, 1999. Broadly mapped the vegetation of this area based largely on aerial photographic interpretation and linked broad structural and floristic differences in vegetation to major geology

types.and utilised a geological coding system to describe the vegetation. The coding system over-simplifies the floristic patterns present, but is generally representative of major trends. The resultant mapping is broad in nature, and masks structural and floristic variation at the fine scale.

Forty-nine (49) vegetation communities are presented by Payne and Duncan (1999), ranging from several types of rainforest, through wet and dry sclerophyll forests, woodlands, heaths and scrub, to swamps, wetlands and mangroves.

See Bell (2002) for a brief description, and a table of vegetation units used in this mapping.

VIS_ID 739

Map footprint supplied only. Contact Central Coast Council for access to the vegetation map.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Title Wyong LGA Vegetation Map 1999 VIS ID 739
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Update Frequency unknown
Landing Page https://data.nsw.gov.au/data/en/dataset/5e5c56de-6d65-4df7-9bbc-c0d2e387ed7e
Date Published 2018-09-06
Date Updated 2024-02-26
Temporal Coverage 1999-01-06
Geospatial Coverage {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[11,-20.30342],[11,23],[139.57031,23],[139.57031,-20.30342],[11,-20.30342]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Central Coast Council