ANUCLIM Annual Mean Rainfall raster layer

The Annual Mean Rainfall dataset was created using ANUCLIM software and the 1 second SRTM DEM-S (smoothed Digital Elevation Model) data. Climate variables generated by ANUCLIM (Version 6.1 MTHCLIM module) depend on a digital elevation model.

Monthly mean climate values for the 1976-2005 periods are used to generate the surface. Grid resolution is 1 second or approximately 30m.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Title ANUCLIM Annual Mean Rainfall raster layer
Licence cc-by
Data Status
Update Frequency notPlanned
Landing Page
Date Published 2020-05-15
Date Updated 2024-10-01
Geospatial Coverage {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[140.6947,-37.6423],[140.6947,-27.9675],[153.7687,-27.9675],[153.7687,-37.6423],[140.6947,-37.6423]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water