Visitor Profile & Satisfaction Report – New South Wales: Newcastle

Most commonly, visitors to Newcastle in this study saw the sights, ate out and shopped. The majority of visitors to Newcastle expected an opportunity to relax and rejuvenate, to experience beach and water activities, to tour around and explore, and to discover or learn something new. Respondents were generally satisfied with their visit to Newcastle, particularly with natural attractions. Beaches, bush and harbour, friendliness of locals, personal safety and security and local atmosphere were aspects with which they were particularly satisfied.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Geospatial Coverage New South Wales (NSW81093)
Temporal Coverage From 2018-09-03
Temporal Coverage To 2018-12-06
Idioma English
Type Dataset
Data Status Active
Update Frequency Daily
Display User Contact Details No
Publisher Tourism Research Australia
Contact Email
Jurisdiction Commonwealth of Australia