Data Resources for Ramularia Leaf Spot disease in Barley

Ramularia Leaf Spot (RLS) disease is a significant threat to Australian barley production caused by the fungal pathogen Ramularia collo-cygni. These data resources include information on epidemiology and distribution of the pathogen as well as yield and grain quality loss caused by RLS.

Accurate identification of RLS is indispensable for effective crop management. These data resources include information for RLS identification in Australian barley crops. This knowledge facilitates timely intervention for disease control, minimizes crop mismanagement, and mitigates losses in yield and grain quality due to RLS disease.

The datasets on this page include information on genetic and population diversity of Ramularia collo-cygni in Australia, disease incidence, triggers, potential regional relationships, and the quantification of economic losses stemming from this pathogen. Additionally, these resources include insights into the contributions of seeds, stubble, and alternate hosts in pathogen dissemination and disease development, as well as best practices for disease management and fungicide resistance.

These data resources result from collaborative research co-funded by the NSW Department of Primary Industries and the Grains Research and Development Corporation. These data resources include datasets which are available to download as well as metadata for resources which have restricted access and will be made available only on request.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Unpublished false
Geospatial Coverage New South Wales (NSW81093)
Temporal Coverage From 2023-11-06
Temporal Coverage To
Idioma English
Type Dataset
Data Status Active
Update Frequency Annually
Display User Contact Details No
Publisher NSW Department of Primary Industries
Contact Email
Jurisdiction NSW Government