NSW Imagery

The NSW Imagery web service provides access to a repository of the Spatial Services (DCS) maintained standard imagery covering NSW, plus additional sourced imagery. It depicts an imagery map of NSW showing a selection of LANDSAT® satellite imagery, standard 50cm orthorectified imageries, High resolution 10cm Town Imageries. It also contains high resolution imageries within multiple areas of NSW within DFSI, Spatial Services maintained projects and captured by AAM, VEKTA and Jacobs (previously SKM). The image web service is updated periodically when new imageries are available. The imageries are shown progressively from scales larger than 1:150,000 higher resolution imagery overlays lower resolution imagery and most recent imagery overlays older imagery within each resolution. The characteristics of each image such as accuracy, resolution, viewing scale, image format etc varies by sensor, location, capture methodology, source and processing. For specific information about the metadata for the imagery used, please refer to the individual data series within the NSW Data Catalogue. As a consequence of the variety of source data, each map displayed by the user within this map service may have a number of copyright permissions. It is emphasised that the user should check the use constraints for each image data series.

NOTE: Please contact the Customer HUB https://customerhub.spatial.nsw.gov.au/ for advice on datasets access.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title NSW Imagery
Licence cc-at-3
Data Status
Update Frequency asNeeded
Landing Page https://data.nsw.gov.au/data/dataset/88b00529-bc95-4dde-b5f0-662b3086eb45
Date Published 2018-06-15
Date Updated 2024-09-17
Contact Point
Temporal Coverage -
Geospatial Coverage {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[ 141.00126000012764, -37.505415512926916 ],[ 141.00126000012764, -28.15060883824961 ],[ 153.6677309706781, -28.15060883824961 ],[ 153.6677309706781, -37.505415512926916 ],[ 141.00126000012764, -37.505415512926916 ]]], "srid":4283 }
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Spatial Services (DCS)