HealthStats NSW

HealthStats NSW is a ‘one-stop-shop’ public website bringing together data from many sources to produce statistical information about the health of the NSW population. Users can view and download data and select indicators to produce tailored reports that provide insights into a wide range of health determinants and outcomes, including:

• the health status of the NSW population • health inequalities and the determinants of health • the major causes of disease and injury and current health challenges • trends in health and comparisons between age groups and geographic locations.

The data in HealthStats NSW cover a range of health risk factors, diseases, locations, and specific populations.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Title HealthStats NSW
Type InteractiveResource
Language English
Licence lsba
Data Status active
Update Frequency other
Landing Page
Date Published 2014-05-20
Date Updated 2021-12-20
Contact Point NSW Health
Temporal Coverage 01-01-1990 -
Geospatial Coverage New South Wales (NSW81093)
Jurisdiction New South Wales
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency NSW Ministry of Health