NPWS Fire History - Wildfires and Prescribed Burns

FireHistory is a feature class that holds final fire boundaries for every year for which there is data. Within the feature class are two subtypes Wildfire (FireType 1) and Prescribed Burn (FireType 2). The polygons are mutually exclusive within each year and they often extend outside NPWS Estate. Fire history is captured by all regions within NPWS. At times data captured by the Rural Fire Service (RFS) and Forestry Corporation NSW are imported into this GDB also. The data are now stored centrally in ArcSDE. Enhance Bushfire Management Program (EBMP) Technical Officers collate, update and amend branch data using versions from ArcSDE.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Title NPWS Fire History - Wildfires and Prescribed Burns
Licence cc-by
Data Status
Update Frequency monthly
Landing Page
Date Published 2022-12-05
Date Updated 2025-02-04
Contact Point
Temporal Coverage 1920-01-01 - 2025-01-16
Geospatial Coverage {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[154.0, -38.0], [154.0, -28.0], [141.0, -28.0], [141.0, -38.0], [154.0, -38.0]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW