Summary of species occurrence data from 1900 to 2020 for Australian terrestrial species organised by IBRA region and status as an introduced or invasive species using the Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS) list for Australia. Counts are provided by species and IBRA region for:
- The total number of occurrence records within the region, for a given GRIIS status and time period
The number of distinct species recorded within the region, for a given GRIIS status and time period
The GRIIS list identifies species that are known or believed to have been introduced to Australia. Species that are not included in the GRIIS Australia list are treated here as native species. The GRIIS list also identifies a subset of introduced species as invasive species based on knowledge that these species have had a harmful impact. This dataset organises species occurrences using these GRIIS data to assign species to one of three categories:
Native – not an introduced species
- Introduced – an introduced species that is not considered invasive
- Invasive – an introduced species that is considered invasive
The GRIIS lists have been compiled by experts with knowledge of introduced and invasive species in each country and are still being improved. It should particularly be noted that version 1.6 of the GRIIS Australia list includes a number of species which are native to Australia but which have been translocated to new parts of the country for conservation purposes. In future versions of the GRIIS Australia list, these species will be appropriately identified and can be excluded as required. This is important since the list does not indicate the areas in which the species is considered to have been introduced (including translocated). These species were manually excluded before the dataset was generated, but this version should be treated with caution. Future versions of this dataset will benefit from improvements to the GRIIS Australia list.
Occurrence records were aggregated and organised by the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA, and include survey and monitoring data collected and managed by the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS, and the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN,
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