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On February 6, 2015 at 12:29:28 AM +1100, Gravatar gordond:
  • Changed title to Health Statistics NSW (previously Health Statistics NSW list of all indicators)

  • Updated description of Health Statistics NSW from

    Health Statistics NSW is an interactive, web-based application that allows users to access data and tailor reports about the health of the New South Wales population for their own use. Health Statistics NSW provides information on: the health status and demography of the NSW community, health inequalities and the determinants of health, the burden of disease and current health challenges and trends in health and comparisons between age groups and geographic locations.
    Health Statistics NSW is an interactive, web-based application that allows users to access data and tailor reports about the health of the New South Wales population for their own use. Health Statistics NSW provides information on: * the health status and demography of the NSW community * health inequalities and the determinants of health * the burden of disease and current health challenges * trends in health and comparisons between age groups and geographic locations

  • Moved Health Statistics NSW from to

  • Removed the source URL from Health Statistics NSW

  • Removed the version from Health Statistics NSW