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On September 22, 2015 at 5:29:20 PM +1000, Gravatar gordond:
  • Changed title to HealthStats NSW (previously Health Statistics NSW)

  • Updated description of HealthStats NSW from

    Health Statistics NSW is an interactive, web-based application that allows users to access data and tailor reports about the health of the New South Wales population for their own use. Health Statistics NSW provides information on: * the health status and demography of the NSW community * health inequalities and the determinants of health * the burden of disease and current health challenges * trends in health and comparisons between age groups and geographic locations
    HealthStats NSW is an interactive, web-based application that allows users to access data and tailor reports about the health of the New South Wales population for their own use. HealthStats NSW provides information on: * the health status and demography of the NSW community * health inequalities and the determinants of health * the burden of disease and current health challenges * trends in health and comparisons between age groups and geographic locations