Specialist support classes by school and support needs type
This dataset is an indication of current support classes operating in NSW public schools. It is not a definitive list of support classes available. Data notes: Data is for... -
Master dataset: NSW government school locations and student enrolment numbers
The master dataset contains comprehensive information for all government schools in NSW. Data items include school locations, latitude and longitude coordinates, school type,... -
NSW government school enrolments by head count (2004-2023)
This dataset shows the student headcount for each individual NSW government school since 2004. Data Notes: National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC) enrolments collected as... -
School intake zones (catchment areas) for NSW government schools
Data Notes: NSW public schools have defined local enrolment areas, meaning that every child is entitled to enrol in a particular school based on his or her residential address.... -
Gender NSW government school teachers (2013-2023)
Male and female teachers are employed in NSW public schools across all stages of learning. Data Notes: Teachers who were on leave without pay for 12 months or more at 30 June of... -
Number of students achieving the Record of School Achievement (2012-2023)
In 2012, the School Certificate was discontinued and replaced by the Record of School Achievement (RSA). The RSA is a record of a student’s achievements from Year 10 until they... -
International students enrolled in NSW public schools by operational...
This dataset provides information on the number of international students enrolled in NSW public schools, categorised by operational directorate. Data notes: Data is sourced... -
NSW Government schools by school type (2001-2023)
Data Notes: Primary schools enrol students in Kindergarten to Year 6. Secondary schools generally enrol students in Years 7 to 12, although some secondary schools only enrol... -
NSW government schools by size (2008-2023)
Data Notes: Data tables from 2016 onwards report school size by number of students. The previous “school classification” is no longer applicable. Primary schools enrol students... -
Age distribution of primary students in NSW government schools (2011-2023)
Data Notes: Data is collected mid-year (census date: first Friday in August) from NSW government schools as per National Schools Statistics Collection (NSCC). All primary school... -
Number of enrolments in government schools (1848-2023)
This dataset includes the number of enrolments in NSW government schools from 1848 to 2023. Data Notes: Since 1993, some students have enrolled part-time. All enrolments are... -
NSW government schools by FOEI bands and SA4 groupings (2014-2023)
Data Notes: NSW government schools by Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI), as at Mid-Year Census, conducted in August each year. FOEI is a school level index of... -
Age distribution of secondary students in NSW government schools (2011-2023)
Data Notes: Data is collected mid-year (census date: first Friday in August) from NSW government schools as per National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC). From 2020,... -
Full-time apparent retention rate in NSW government schools by level of...
The full-time apparent retention rate (ARR) measures the proportion of a cohort of full-time students that moves from one grade to the next, based on an expected rate of... -
Course enrolments in Years 11 and 12 subjects in NSW government schools (2012-2023)
Data Notes: Based on school of tuition, NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) developed courses only, and includes subjects studied through distance education, the NSW School... -
Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments in NSW government and non-government...
The data shows the change in enrolments of government and non-government schools in each year since 2011, and selected years from 1901. Data Notes Government and non-government... -
Primary students in NSW government schools studying a language other than...
Data Notes: The table includes data from the K-6 Community Languages Program (CLP) and the K-6 Languages Program (non-CLP) collections. Students may study more than one... -
Language participation for Years 7-9 by gender and school year (2012-2021 and 2023)
Data Notes: The data only includes students learning a language on average for more than 1 hour per week for 35 or more weeks a year. Includes students studying a language... -
Board Developed Course enrolments in Year 10 subjects in NSW government...
Data Notes: The table only includes Board Developed Courses The table includes students studying a language through the Secondary College of Languages (formerly Saturday School... -
Average government primary school class sizes by school size (2009-2024)
The class size audit is conducted in all NSW government primary, infant and central (primary grades only) schools in March each year. Notes: Students attending schools for...