From SEED Gosford LGA EECs 2006. VIS_ID 3905
Gosford Ecological Endangered Communities mapping of Swamp Sclerophyll (Swamp Mahogany Broad Leaved Paper Bark Forest) and Umina Coastal Sandplain Woodland. These EECs were... -
From SEED Vegetation mapping Wingecarribee LGA VIS_ID 2388
This dataset was superseded by the State Vegetation Type Map (https://datasets.seed.nsw.gov.au/dataset/nsw-state-vegetation-type-map) on 24.06.2022. Map prepared for... -
From SEED Vegetation Map from Willson, A. Fire Management Plan - Tarawi Nature Reserve...
A Fire Management Plan was developed for Tarawi NR, involving the mapping of the reserve's vegetation, fire history and significant species. Also developed were mallee fire... -
From SEED Very Highly Vulnerable Ecosystems, SE Highlands, Validated 2002. VIS_ID 4131
Validating the extent of modelled "rare and vulnerable forest ecosystems" identified during the Southern CRA (1997-2000) was required for ecologically sustainable conservation... -
From SEED Manning River Turtle Survey Report Western Catchments May 2019
March 2019 survey results of Manning River Helmeted Turtles at thirty three locations in the head of the Barnard River. The survey was to determine its distribution, health,... -
From SEED Old Growth Forest Mapping Broad, Central, 1996. VIS_ID 4122
Old growth forest mapping from aerial photograph interpretation of canopy species regeneration and senescent growth stages. Scale 1:25,000. Bounded by NSW Morriset Forestry... -
From SEED CRAFTI (Comprehensive Regional Assessment Aerial Photographic...
This dataset provides a breakdown of the CRAFTI structural attribute string into individual fields and classifies each of these strings into a naturalness category (CATEGORY)... -
From SEED NVMP mapping of Boona Mount 1:100000 map sheet VIS_ID 1596
Part of the Native Vegetation Mapping Program (NVMP) that describes the native vegetation communities that occur within the Bogan Gate,; Boona Mount, Condobolin, Dandaloo,... -
From SEED NSW Riverina red gum reserves mapping program: Stage 2 Murrumbidgee Valley...
Canopy condition and density of River Red Gum vegetation communities at Murrumbidgee Valley National Park and Murrumbidgee Regional park were assessed and mapped using digital... -
From SEED Coorabakh Nature Reserve Banksia conferta Mapping 2007. VIS_ID 3898
Areas of confirmed Banksia conferta. Banksia conferta subsp. conferta; known from three areas only - the Glasshouse Mountains, and Lamington Plateau in Queensland; Coorabakh... -
From SEED The Reconstructed Distribution Of Indigenous Vegetation Types Across The Nsw...
"Reconstructed" vegetation of the NSW Riverina. The area includes the NSW portion of the Riverina Bioregion as defined by the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia... -
From SEED Big Scrub Rainforest Remnants. VIS_ID 4475
Polygon shapefile created with the use of aerial imagery within the generally agreed original Big Scrub Rainforest boundary. The remnants are all classed as Lowland Subtropical... -
From SEED Lower Macquarie Floodplain Vegetation VIS_ID 1032
Mapping of the vegetation occurring on the Lower Macquarie River Floodplain between Gin Gin Weir (Trangie), Marebone Weir, Colane and Belah Dam (Nyngan) (approximately 3561km2)... -
From ePlanning Landsat foliage projective cover (FPC) time series summary products (25m) 1988-2008
Landsat foliage projective cover (FPC) time series summary products are the result of statistical analysis of a time series stack of individual date FPC images. The products... -
From SEED Garrawilla National Park Vegetation Mapping. VIS_ID 3991
Vegetation survey and mapping of Garrawilla National Park in 2008, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Five communities were determined based on floristic analysis of 20 x 20... -
From SEED NSW Estuary Temperature, pH and salinity data
Data on NSW Estuary Temperature, pH and salinity with associated physical and morphological data. Makes public the data used in paper: Scanes E, Scanes P and Ross P Climate... -
From SEED South West Woodland NR - Killonbutta Section Vegetation 2017. VIS_ID 4765
Vegetation community mapping for South West Woodland Nature Reserve - Killonbutta Section by John Hunter, 2017. A Northern Inland NPWS Branch contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale.... -
From SEED South West Woodland NR - Mandangery Section Vegetation 2017. VIS_ID 4764
Vegetation community mapping for South West Woodland Nature Reserve - Mandangery Section by John Hunter, 2017. A Northern Inland NPWS Branch contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale.... -
From SEED Habitat Mapping in the NSW Riverina Bioregion VIS_ID 826
Map derived from Roberts, I. & Roberts, J. (March 2001). Plains wanderer (Pedionomus torquatus) Habitat Mapping - Including Woody Vegetation and other Landscape Features.... -
From SEED South West Woodland NR - Cookamidgera Section Vegetation 2017. VIS_ID 4767
Vegetation community mapping for South West Woodland Nature Reserve - Cookamidgera Section by John Hunter, 2017. A Northern Inland NPWS Branch contract. Mapped at 1:25000 scale....