Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) 2019/20

Fire severity is a metric of the loss of biomass caused by fire. In collaboration with the NSW Rural Fire Service, DPE Remote Sensing & Regulatory Mapping team has developed a semi-automated approach to mapping fire extent and severity through a machine learning framework based on sentinel 2 satellite imagery. The statewide severity map has standardised classes to allow comparison of different fires across the landscape. The FESM severity classes include: unburnt, low severity (burnt understory, unburnt canopy), moderate severity (partial canopy scorch), high severity (complete canopy scorch, partial canopy consumption), extreme (full canopy consumption).

This dataset represents the 2019/20 fire year including all wildfires >10ha with a fire start date between July 2019 and June 2020.

Data and Resources


Additional Info

Field Value
Title Fire Extent and Severity Mapping (FESM) 2019/20
Licence cc-by
Data Status
Update Frequency notPlanned
Landing Page
Date Published 2021-05-13
Date Updated 2024-09-16
Contact Point
Temporal Coverage 2019-01-01 -
Geospatial Coverage {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[140.2734375,-36.35477397440991],[140.2734375,-27.999057531835827],[155.0830078125,-27.999057531835827],[155.0830078125,-36.35477397440991],[140.2734375,-36.35477397440991]]]}
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water