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NSW government schools by size (2008-2022)
Data Notes:
Data tables from 2016 onwards report school size by number of students. The previous “school classification” is no longer applicable.
Primary schools enrol students in Kindergarten to Year 6.
Secondary schools generally enrol students in Years 7 to 12, although some secondary schools only enrol students in the senior years, i.e. Years 11 to 12 or the junior years, i.e. Years 7 to 10 (NSW School of Languages, Aurora College and Centre of Excellence in Agricultural Education are included in the ‘Other’ category under Secondary Schools. These schools do not have census enrolments.) .
Central/community schools have primary and secondary departments and may be established where there is an enrolment in secondary classes of 20 or more. Enrolments in primary departments and secondary departments are included with the appropriate student data.
Schools for specific purposes (SSPs) are for students with specific needs. Most SSPs have permanent enrolments and include schools for students with intellectual (mild, moderate and severe) and physical disabilities, visual or hearing impairment, behaviour disorders or emotional disturbance, and students in juvenile justice centres. Some SSPs have no permanent enrolments because the children temporarily attending them are enrolled and counted in their own schools. These are mainly hospital schools.
Data Source: