This Floodplain Management Study defines the nature and extent of the flood hazard in the three
catchments. It also identifies and assesses strategies and measures aimed at reducing the impact
of flooding on both existing and future development, and measures to prevent future development
from making flooding worse.
The results of this Floodplain Management Study are being used to prepare a Floodplain
Management Plan (FPMP). The objective of the FPMP is to establish a cost-effective floodplain
management strategy for the area and to recommend a programme for implementation of the Plan.
The Study Brief is attached as Appendix A.
What is in the Study
The Floodplain Management Study and Plan will not totally eliminate flooding. Flooding is a natural
phenomenon which cannot be fully controlled by human works. In fact, excessive artificial controls
are likely to be very costly and to have adverse environmental effects. Therefore the Floodplain
Management Study and Plan aim to provide a package of best management practices which give a
balance between reducing flood hazard and flood damages, allowing appropriate development, and
protecting and enhancing the environment of the floodplain.
This Report has been divided into the following sections:
- Section 1: Introduction (page 1)
Establishes the context and basis for the plan.
- Section 2: Background (page 5)
Describes the study process, including previous studies, and the background technical
information which is available. It includes a review of the previous Muddy Creek Flood
- Section 3: Existing Flood Behaviour (page 15)
Summarises the available data and modelling results concerning flood behaviour.
- Section 4: Social and Economic Impacts of Flooding (page 23)
Examines the potential flood damages and other social and economic effects of flooding for a
range of flood events, including an extreme flood.
- Section 5: Choosing the Designated Flood (page 28)
Discusses the issued to be considered by Council in choosing a designated flood for
Rockdale, and recommends that the 1% AEP flood be adopted.
- Section 6: Available Floodplain Management Options (page 35)
Describes in broad terms the range of flood mitigation and other management works and
other measures available to address the existing, future and residual flooding problems in the
study area.
- Sections 7, 8 and 9: Options for Management Areas (page 48)
These three sections describe in detail, for the Muddy Creek, Spring St Drain and
Scarborough Ponds catchments respectively, the feasible options and their likely benefits and
- Section 10: Assessment of Management Options (page 86)
Reviews the financial aspects and the justification for the proposed management measures,
identifies priorities and possible sources of funding. These issues will be further addressed in
the future Floodplain Management Plan.
- Section 11: References (page 90)
Technical detail which supports the main report is provided in the Appendices, in Volume 2.