Trip generation surveys : service stations : analysis report

The former Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) published its Guide to Traffic Generating Developments (¿Guide¿) in the mid-1990s. This document drew on the results of a number of trip generation and parking demand surveys covering a range of land uses. These surveys had been progressively conducted since 1978. The trip generation and parking requirement data in the Guide is becoming increasingly outof- date. Several new business types are not adequately represented (eg factory outlet centres) and there is evidence of ongoing industry rationalisation (eg larger service stations, hardware supercentres, etc). The Guide contains trip generation and parking demand information derived from a 1979 survey of ten Service Stations across greater Sydney. Half of the sites were self-service, and half offered the then traditional driveway service. Five service stations out of 10 selected for this Study did not contain any ancillary services. Three stations had a fast food restaurant on site, four had a car wash drive-through and one of the latter stations also had a car service garage.

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Title Trip generation surveys : service stations : analysis report
Licence lsba
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Landing Page
Date Published 2021-09-08
Date Updated 2021-09-08
Contact Point
Temporal Coverage -
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Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency NSW Government