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На 26. јул 2016. 16:23:49 +1000, unknown:
  • Ажуриран назив у Alcohol Related Violence in Sydney (претходно Assaults in Kings Cross)

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  • Наместите аутора Alcohol Related Violence in Sydney да буде NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research

  • Ажуриран опис Alcohol Related Violence in Sydney из

    April 2002 to March 2012
    On the 24th February 2014, the NSW Government imposed new restrictions (contained in the Liquor Amendment Act, 2014), across the Sydney CBD Entertainment Precinct and Kings Cross Precinct. This webpage provides a summary of statistics represented in graph, chart, table and map, of: • _Current Trends_ - the monthly number of non-domestic assaults recorded by the NSW Police Force in the Sydney CBD and Kings Cross Precincts, as well as suburbs of Newtwon and Pyrmont, since January 2009 • _Monthly number of assaults_ - a chart of the average number of non-domestic assaults recorded by teh NSW Police force in the Sydney CBD and Kings Cross Precincts, as well as suburbs of Newtown and Pyrmont, in the 12 month period before lockouts were introduced (March 2013 to Feb 2014), compared to the 22 month period after the lockouts were introduced (March 2014 to Dec 2015). • _BOCSAR research findings_ - table showing the overall reduction in the monthly number of assaults in the Sydney CBD and Kings Cross Precincts, together with proximal and distal displacement areas and the rest of NSW, from a forthcoming BOCSAR report on monthly non-domestic assaults recorded by NSW Police between Jan 2009 to June 2015. • _Precinct Map_ - Map showing the location of Sydney CBD Entertainment Precinct, Kings Cross Precinct, and suburbs of Newtown and Pyrmont.