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Liquor licence premises list

A monthly list of liquor licence venue data containing licence number, licence name, licensee name, venue address, venue geocodes, authorisations information, trading hours information and gaming information including the SA2 area name, SA2 band, number of gaming machine entitlements and the number of operating electronic gaming machines at each venue.

Подаци и Ресурси


Додатне информације

Поље Вредност
Title Liquor licence premises list
Type Dataset
Language English
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Data Status active
Update Frequency monthly
Landing Page
Date Published 2020-06-03
Date Updated 2024-06-18
Contact Point
Liquor and Gaming NSW
1300 024 720
Temporal Coverage 01 March 2020
Geospatial Coverage New South Wales (NSW81093)
Jurisdiction New South Wales Government
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency Liquor and Gaming NSW