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On 7. februar 2019 11:51:17 +1100, Department of Customer Service-8062:
  • Changed title to Ferry Patronage (previously Ferry Data)

  • Updated description of Ferry Patronage from

    Ferry Patronage dataset has Opal ferry trips by month, operator, contract area and card type. An Opal trip is where an Opal card is used to tap-on and tap-off, including where a single tap-on or tap-off is recorded. This includes contactless payments. All other travel is not included.
    The Household Travel Survey (HTS) collects information on personal travel behaviour. The study area is the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA) and forms the geographic scope of the survey. The area covered by the GMA includes Sydney, Illawarra and the Hunter. All residents of occupied private dwellings within this area are considered in scope of the survey and are randomly selected to participate. The HTS is conducted every day of the year and has been running continuously since 1997/98. Each year approx. 5,000 households are selected to participate. Data is collected on all trips made over a 24-hour period. Surveys are conducted using face-to-face interviews and each member of the household is included.