5 results found

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Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution Formats: PDF dctype: Dataset

  • Home Building Complaints Popular

    Statistics relating to home building complaints by cause, defect and industry type. They have been graphed to represent: the cause of the defect at the centre of the complaint...
  • End of Tenancy Survey

    NSW Tenancy laws say how residential tenancy agreements can be ended. Tenancies are usually terminated by the tenant, landlord, the landlord's agent, or by a Tribunal order....
  • End of Tenancy Survey - Pilot

    NSW Tenancy laws say how residential tenancy agreements can be ended. Tenancies are usually terminated by the tenant, landlord, the landlord's agent, or by a Tribunal order....
  • Home Building Licensing Popular

    This dataset contains statistics about new license applications, licensed entities, license classes and owner-builder permits.
  • Conveyancer Licenses Register

    Public register of licensed property conveyancers in NSW.