Incident reports in NSW government schools (2012-2023)
Our schools are among the safest places in our community for children and young people. However, from time to time, incidents do affect schools just as they affect communities... -
Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments in NSW government and non-government schools (1901-2022)
The data shows the change in enrolments of government and non-government schools in each year since 2011, and selected years from 1901. Data Notes Government and non-government... -
Full-time equivalent (FTE) enrolments by individual NSW government schools, grade and calendar year (2010-2023)
Data Notes: Data is derived from the National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC), which is managed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Enrolments are full-time equivalent... -
Full-time enrolments in distance education by year of schooling (2011-2023)
Since 1993 some students have enrolled part-time . All enrolments are reported in full-time equivalent units (FTEs) and include full-time and part-time students. Data Notes:... -
Enrolments (FTE) in NSW government schools by FOEI quarters and SA4 groupings (2014-2023)
Data Notes: Enrolments are from system extracts in April and are not mid-year census enrolments which are extracted in August. The Family Occupation and Education Index (FOEI)... -
Enforcement of compulsory school attendance (2011-2022)
Under Section 22 of the Education Act 1990, parents have a legal duty to ensure their school-aged children attend school. Where absenteeism is persistent and an attendance... -
Course enrolments in Years 11 and 12 subjects in NSW government schools (2012-2023)
Data Notes: Based on school of tuition, NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) developed courses only, and includes subjects studied through distance education, the NSW School... -
Board Developed Course enrolments in Year 10 subjects in NSW government schools (2013-2023)
Data Notes: The table only includes Board Developed Courses The table includes students studying a language through the Secondary College of Languages (formerly Saturday School... -
Average government primary school class sizes by year (1997, 2002-2024)
Data Notes Class size audits are conducted by CESE (Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation) in March each year. Audits were not conducted in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001.... -
Average government primary school class sizes by school size (2009-2024)
The class size audit is conducted in all NSW government primary, infant and central (primary grades only) schools in March each year. Data notes Students attending schools for... -
NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey
The NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey (PSDES) collects information about the main destinations of recent school leavers in the 6 to 12 months after leaving... -
Age distribution of secondary students in NSW government schools (2011-2023)
Data Notes: Data is collected mid-year (census date: first Friday in August) from NSW government schools as per National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC). From 2020,... -
Age distribution of primary students in NSW government schools (2011-2023)
Data notes Data is collected mid-year (census date: first Friday in August) from NSW government schools as per National Schools Statistics Collection (NSCC). All primary school... -
Age distribution of students in preschools and early intervention programs (2012-2023)
Mid-year number of children enrolled in a preschool program that is run by a NSW government school. These government preschool classes provide full-time or part-time schooling... -
Student attendance rate by SA4 (2011-2024)
This data set shows the average attendance rate for students in NSW government schools by Statistical Area 4 (SA4). Data notes 2021 data is not comparable to previous years due... -
Student attendance rate by Aboriginality and year level (2012-2019, Semester 1 2021 - 2024)
The attendance rate is defined as the number of actual full-time equivalent student days attended by full-time school students in Years 1–10 as a percentage of the total number... -
Student attendance rate by individual government school (2011-2024)
This dataset shows the attendance rates for all NSW government schools in Semester One by alphabetical order. Data Notes: 2021 data is not comparable to previous years due to... -
Age distribution of part-time secondary students in NSW government schools (2011-2023)
Data Notes: Data is collected mid-year (census date: first Friday in August) from NSW government schools as per National Schools Statistics Collection (NSSC). Data excludes... -
Primary students in NSW government schools studying a language other than English (2012-2021 and 2023)
Data Notes: The table includes data from the K-6 Community Languages Program (CLP) and the K-6 Languages Program (non-CLP) collections. Students may study more than one... -
Gender NSW government school teachers (2013-2023)
Male and female teachers are employed in NSW public schools across all stages of learning. Data Notes: Teachers who were on leave without pay for 12 months or more at 30 June of...