From ePlanning Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (CPCP)
The Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (the CPCP) facilitates growth in Western Sydney to 2056 and beyond, and delivers important development and biodiversity outcomes. The CPCP... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Land Zoning
This spatial dataset identifies land use zones and the type of land uses that are permitted (with or without consent) or prohibited in each zone on any given land as designated... -
From ePlanning Site Investigation Area for Koala Plans of Management Map
This dataset contains map data relevant to the Site Investigation Area for Koala Plans of Management Map, as referenced in Chapter 4 of State Environmental Planning Policy... -
From ePlanning Urban Development Program
This contains the latest data displayed on the Urban Development Program dashboards as they are updated. Please go to the specific resource to download the appropriate data. The... -
From ePlanning Environmental Planning Instrument - Heritage (HER)
This spatial dataset identifies areas subject to Heritage conservation as designated by the relevant NSW environmental planning instrument (EPI) under the Environmental Planning... -
From ePlanning Greater Sydney Region Tree Canopy to Modified Mesh Block 2022
The Greater Sydney Region Tree Canopy to Modified Mesh Block 2022 provides both an area and percentage of canopy for city blocks and infrastructure corridors in the Greater... -
From SEED Strategic Regional Land Use Policy (SRLUP) - Future Residential Growth Area
Future Residential Growth Area Land has been identified in planning instruments or Government-endorsed planning strategies. It is proposed that coal seam gas activities will be... -
From SEED Strategic Regional Land Use Policy (SRLUP) - Additional Rural Village Land
Additional Rural Village Land is land zoned R5 large lot residential (or equivalent) that meets defined 'village' criteria. It is proposed that coal seam gas activities will be... -
From SEED Strategic Regional Land Use Policy (SRLUP) - Strategic Agricultural Land - Equine
A polygon dataset showing critical industry Equine Clusters in the Upper Hunter region. The horse breeding cluster includes a highly integrated concentration of horse breeding... -
From SEED Strategic Regional Land Use Policy (SRLUP) - Strategic Agricultural Land - Viticulture
A polygon dataset showing critical industry Viticulture clusters in the Upper Hunter region. The viticulture cluster includes a highly integrated concentration of vineyards and... -
From SEED Strategic Regional Land Use Policy (SRLUP) - Strategic Agricultural Land - Biophysical
Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Land (BSAL) is land with high quality soil and water resources capable of sustaining high levels of productivity. BSAL plays a critical role... -
From SEED Kooragang Island Coal Loader Facility. Report on proposed changes to north east corner of development site, area B
Environmental Impact Statement: Kooragang Island Coal Loader Facility. Report on proposed changes to north east corner of development site, area B -
From SEED Statement of environmental effects, continuation of extractive industry, Lot 8, DP 8857, Bakali Road, Forresters Beach
Environmental Impact Statement: Statement of environmental effects, continuation of extractive industry, Lot 8, DP 8857, Bakali Road, Forresters Beach -
From SEED Proposed continuation of quarrying, landfilling and site rehabilitation at Warnervale, Wyong : environmental impact statement
v. 1. Environmental impact statement -- v. 2. Appendices. -
From SEED Recreation plan for Birubi Point, Newcastle Bight and Shelley Beach
Environmental Impact Statement: Recreation plan for Birubi Point, Newcastle Bight and Shelley Beach -
From SEED Environmental impact statement : crushing, grinding or separating works, Thackeray Street, Camellia
EIS: Environmental impact statement : crushing, grinding or separating works, Thackeray Street, Camellia -
From SEED Tiocliff Pty. Limited proposed Sutton Hard Rock Quarry : updated specialist consultants' reports and new specialist consultants' reports
Environmental Impact Statement: Tiocliff Pty. Limited proposed Sutton Hard Rock Quarry : updated specialist consultants' reports and new specialist consultants' reports -
From SEED Fauna survey and impact assessment : for proposed underground coal mining in the Clarence northern extension (CLA 243 and MLA 7 Orange) by Clarence Colliery Pty Ltd near Lithgow, N.S.W.
Environmental Impact Statement: Fauna survey and impact assessment : for proposed underground coal mining in the Clarence northern extension (CLA 243 and MLA 7 Orange) by... -
From SEED Environmental impact statement, BHP-AMAX-Mobil Joint Venture, Boggabri coal project
EIS: Environmental impact statement, BHP-AMAX-Mobil Joint Venture, Boggabri coal project -
From SEED Development application to erect an aluminium smelter, Tomago Road, Tomago, Shire of Port Stephens
Environmental Impact Statement: Development application to erect an aluminium smelter, Tomago Road, Tomago, Shire of Port Stephens