82 results found

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Formats: PDF

  • From Transport NSW Rest Areas

    The NSW Rest Areas dataset provides information on rest area sites managed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and other authorities, including local councils and the National Parks...
  • From Transport Opal Trips - All Modes

    This dataset contains a consolidated view of Official Utilisation figures across all transport modes (train, metro, bus, ferry and light rail). Opal daily tap-on/tap-off data is...
  • From Transport Opal Trips - Ferry

    This dataset contains Official Ferry Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering & exiting a wharf), is allocated to a route and...
  • From Transport Opal Trips - Train

    This dataset contains Official Train Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering & exiting a station), is allocated to a line and...
  • From Transport Opal Trips - Bus

    This dataset contains Official Bus Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual boarding and alighting a bus) is aggregated to a total monthly...
  • From Transport Opal Trips - Light Rail

    This dataset contains Official Light Rail Utilisation figures. Opal tap-on/tap-off data (representing an individual entering and exiting a Light Rail station), is aggregated to...
  • From Transport Household Travel Survey

    Household Travel Survey (HTS) is the most comprehensive source of personal travel data for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA). This data explores average weekday travel...
  • From Transport ROAM - Rail Opal Assignment Model

    This dataset provides an indicator of historic rail occupancy for individual rail services from July 2019. Data included in ROAM - Rail Opal Assignment Model - includes Sydney...
  • From Transport Opal Patronage

    This dataset contains the Opal patronage data for train, bus, ferry and light rail since January 2020. The data is available by public transport mode, day of the week and of key...
  • From Transport Network Maps

    This dataset contains network maps for the NSW transport network.
  • From Transport Waverley Council Data

    The dataset is provided in good faith by Waverley Council in an effort to promote a range of mobility options for visitors to the Waverley Local Government Area. There are a...
  • From Transport Station CAD Drawings (A - C)

    This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names A - C. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station....
  • From Transport Transport Mode Symbols and Pictograms

    Here you can find symbols and pictograms for all transport modes to use in your apps, products and other projects. Symbols and icons are available in various formats, while all...
  • From Transport Station CAD Drawings (D - G)

    This data set contains station CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawings for the station names D - G. The CAD drawings are 2D detailing the layout and platforms of each station....
  • From Transport Train Station Maps (including Metro)

    This dataset provides WCAG 2.0 compliant wayfinding maps for 34 Sydney train stations and 13 Metro Stations. Each map displays entrances, lift locations, transport mode...
  • From Transport On-Street Parking

    This API provides real time kerbside parking occupancy for selected councils in Sydney. Notification will be sent at regular intervals each time parking becomes vacant/occupied,...
  • From Transport Travel Zones 2016

    Travel Zones (TZs) are the spatial unit of geography defined by Transport Performance and Analytics (TPA), a business unit within Transport for NSW (TfNSW). The TZ spatial layer...
  • From Transport Alpha Numeric Route numbers

    A new Road Numbering System The NSW Government has made significant improvement to how motorists can find their way across NSW. Transport for NSW has implemented a new system of...
  • From Transport Interchange facilities data

    The dataset captures Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport compliance at railway stations and wharves across NSW. In the first release, files in csv format,...
  • From Transport Population Projections

    Transport for NSW provides projections of population and dwellings at the small area (Travel Zone or TZ) level for NSW. The latest version is Travel Zone Projections 2022...