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NSW public schools income from licensed canteens (2014-2022).

Canteen licence income as reported in the Annual Financial Statements compiled by NSW government Schools.

Data Notes:

  • For calendar year 2021 and 2022, income received from licensed canteens may have been partially offset by waivers (due to Covid-19) applied against the operating expense in purchasing discounts.

  • The decision about how a school canteen is run is made by determining which type of operation provides the best advantage for the school and its community.

  • Consultation occurs between the principal and parent organisation, with the nature of the school community, the population of the school and the operation costs all being taken into account in the school’s final decision.

  • A standard canteen license agreement provides a set fee over a committed time period so that school income can be confidently budgeted.

  • Whilst the licensee administers the canteen, the principal maintains control over the agreement including the types of food sold.

Data Source:

  • Financial Controlling, Finance Directorate, NSW Department of Education

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추가 정보

Title NSW public schools income from licensed canteens (2014-2022).
Type Dataset
Language eng
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Data Status active
Landing Page
Date Published 2017-02-12
Date Updated 2024-06-26
Contact Point
NSW Department of Education
1300 972 196
Data Services <>
Temporal Coverage 2014-01-01 - 2018-12-31
Geospatial Coverage NSW81093: New South Wales
Jurisdiction New South Wales
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency NSW Department of Education