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On 2017년 9월 18일 PM 5시 31분 32초 +1000, Gravatar NSW Education Datahub:
  • Updated description of NSW government schools by bushfire category (2016) from

    NSW government schools by Rural Fire Service bushfire category. Includes school codes which can be used to link to other datasets. Data provided for the NSW GovHack, 2016. **Data Notes:** * Category 1 = heavy bush or forest * Category 2 = light bush or scrub * Buffer = no bush, but within 50 meters of category 1 or 2 bush
    NSW government schools by Rural Fire Service bushfire category. Includes school codes which can be used to link to other datasets. Data provided for the NSW GovHack, 2016. **Data Notes:** * Category 1 = heavy bush or forest * Category 2 = light bush or scrub * Buffer = no bush, but within 50 meters of category 1 or 2 bush **Data Source:** * Asset Management Directorate, NSW Department of Education.