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On 2021년 4월 21일 AM 9시 50분 4초 +1000, Gravatar datansw:
  • Updated description of resource Residential land lease communities register in Residential land lease communities register from

    Prospective residents interested in moving into a residential land lease community can use the register to find out where parks are located and how to contact them. The register includes the community’s trading name, address, contact details and website address if it has one. The register includes residential land lease communiities, residential parks and manufactured home estates where people live as their main place of residence. Residential parks that only offer accommodation for tourists, holiday makers or long-term casual occupants are not land lease communities and do not appear on the register.
    Prospective residents interested in moving into a residential land lease community can use the register to find out where parks are located and how to contact them. The register includes the community’s trading name, address, contact details and website address if it has one. The register includes residential land lease communities, residential parks and manufactured home estates where people live as their main place of residence. Residential parks that only offer accommodation for tourists, holiday makers or long-term casual occupants are not land lease communities and do not appear on the register.