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On 2018년 12월 4일 PM 2시 12분 2초 +1100, Gravatar Mark Comerford:
  • Set maintainer of Distribution Zone Substation Information to mark-comerford-7899 (previously odunne)

  • Updated description of Distribution Zone Substation Information from

    Ausgrid operates a network with over 180 zone substations. These substations form the boundary between the sub-transmission network and the distribution (11kV) network. Reporting years available are from 2005 to 2015. Data provided via the Ausgrid website is in csv.
    Ausgrid operates a network with over 180 zone substations. These substations form the boundary between the sub-transmission network and the distribution (11kV) network. Reporting years available are from 2005 onwards. Data provided via the Ausgrid website is in csv.