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Secondary education schools by selective, specialist and co-educational status (2011-2022)

Data Notes:

  • Includes secondary schools and central/community schools.

  • Secondary schools generally enrol students in Years 7 to 12, although some secondary schools only enrol students in the senior years, i.e. Years 11 to 12 or the junior years, i.e. Years 7 to 10.

  • The Conservatorium High School is included with performing arts schools.

  • Aurora College (NSW Virtual Selective High School) is included with fully selective schools.

  • The number of schools is recorded mid-year.

  • Intensive English only covers standalone Intensive English schools and does not include schools with an attached Intensive English Centre.

Data Source:

데이터와 리소스


추가 정보

Title Secondary education schools by selective, specialist and co-educational status (2011-2022)
Type Dataset
Language eng
Licence Creative Commons Attribution
Data Status active
Landing Page
Date Published 2017-02-12
Date Updated 2024-06-26
Contact Point
NSW Department of Education
1300 972 196
Data Services <>
Temporal Coverage 2011-01-01 - 2022-12-31
Geospatial Coverage NSW81093: New South Wales
Jurisdiction New South Wales
Data Portal Data.NSW
Publisher/Agency NSW Department of Education