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On 16 dicembre 2022 12:16:57 +1100, NSW Department of Education:
  • Changed title to Teacher conduct and performance (2008-2021) (previously Teacher conduct and performance (2008-2020))

  • Updated description of Teacher conduct and performance (2008-2021) from

    This publication provides information on teacher dismissals for either proven allegations of misconduct or failing an improvement program in NSW government schools. **Data Notes:** * The department acts quickly to investigate all allegations of teacher misconduct including allegations of sexual misconduct. Disciplinary or remedial action, which may include dismissal, is taken against a teacher where an investigation finds they have engaged in misconduct. * The department has structured procedures for managing underperforming teachers. Teachers identified as experiencing difficulty with their teaching performance are managed in accordance with the procedures. If teachers haven't satisfactory met the requirements for their position, the matter is referred to a decision maker for possible remedial or disciplinary action, which may include dismissal. * NTBE refers to the department's 'Not To Be Employed' database. * Refer to the individual publication for further information and policy context. **Data Source:** * Employee Performance and Conduct. NSW Department of Education.
    This publication provides information on teacher dismissals for either proven allegations of misconduct or failing an improvement program in NSW government schools. **Data Notes:** * The department acts quickly to investigate all allegations of teacher misconduct including allegations of sexual misconduct. Disciplinary or remedial action, which may include dismissal, is taken against a teacher where an investigation finds they have engaged in misconduct. * The department has structured procedures for managing underperforming teachers. Teachers identified as experiencing difficulty with their teaching performance are managed in accordance with the procedures. If teachers haven't satisfactory met the requirements for their position, the matter is referred to a decision maker for possible remedial or disciplinary action, which may include dismissal. * NTBE refers to the department's 'Not To Be Employed' database. * Refer to the individual publication for further information and policy context. **Data Source:** * Professional and Ethical Standards NSW Department of Education

  • Added resource 2019 Teachers conduct and performance to Teacher conduct and performance (2008-2021)

  • Added resource 2020 Teachers conduct and performance to Teacher conduct and performance (2008-2021)

  • Deleted resource 2019 Teachers conduct and performance from Teacher conduct and performance (2008-2021)

  • Deleted resource 2020 Teachers conduct and performance from Teacher conduct and performance (2008-2021)