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On November 14, 2022 at 9:26:38 AM +1100, NSW Government:
  • Updated description of Employment Projections from

    <p>Transport for NSW provides projections of employment at the small area (Travel Zone or TZ) level for NSW. The latest version is Travel Zone Projections 2022 (TZP22), released November 2022.</p> <p>This new version TZP22 is an update on the previously published <a href="">TZP19</a> and aligns with the <a href="">NSW Government Common Planning Assumptions</a>.</p> <p>TZP22 Employment Projections are for employed persons by place of work. They are provided by Industry using two breakdowns:</p> <ul> <li>33 industry categories (equivalent to the ABS 1-digit Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) codes with the exception of Manufacturing which is at 2-digit level).</li> <li>4 Broad Industry Categories (groupings of the above)</li> </ul> <p>The projections in this release, TZP22 are presented annually 2016 to 2026 and five-yearly from 2026 to 2066 and are in TZ16 geography.</p> <p>Please note, TZP22 is based on best available data as at early to mid 2022. It includes the impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic and does not include results from the ABS 2021 Census as the relevant data had not been released at the time of TZP22 production.</p> <p><strong>Key Data Inputs used:</strong></p> <ul> <li>TZP22 Workforce Projections</li> <li>Census Journey to Work 2016 dataset by Destination Zone - ABS</li> <li>State-level Employment projections – NSW Treasury</li> <li>Employment by industry projections - Victoria University</li> <li>Future Employment Development Database (FEDD) - a custom dataset compiled by TfNSW in late 2019 and updated in mid-2022, that presents the number of jobs expected from major projects based on publicly available documents.</li> </ul> <p>For a summary of the TZP22 Projections method please refer to the <a href="">TZP22 Factsheet</a></p> <p>For more detail on the projection process please refer to the <a href="">TZP22 Technical Guide</a></p> <p>Additional land use information for <a href="">population</a> and <a href="">workforce</a> as well as <a href="">Travel Zone boundaries for NSW</a> are also available for download on the Open Data Hub.</p> <p>A visualisation of the employment projections is available on the Transport for NSW Website under <a href="">Forecasts and Projections.</a></p> <p><strong>Cautions</strong><br /> The TZP22 dataset represents one view of the future aligned with the NSW Government Common Planning Assumptions and population and economic projections.</p> <p>The projections are not based on specific assumptions about future new transport infrastructure, but do take into account known land-use developments underway or planned, and strategic plans.</p> <ul> <li>TZP22 is a strategic state-wide dataset and caution should be exercised when considering results at detailed breakdowns.</li> <li>The TZP22 outputs represent a point in time set of projections (as at early to mid 2022).</li> <li>The projections are not government targets.</li> <li>Travel Zone (TZ) level outputs are projections only and should be used as a guide. As with all small area data, aggregating of travel zone projections to higher geographies leads to more robust results.</li> <li>As a general rule, TZ-level projections are illustrative of a possible future only.</li> <li>More specific advice about data reliability for the specific variables projected is provided in the “Read Me” page of the Excel format summary spreadsheets on the TfNSW Open Data Hub.</li> <li>Caution is advised when comparing TZP22 with the previous set of projections (TZP19) due to addition of new data sources for the most recent years, and adjustments to methodology.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Further cautions and notes can be found in the TZP22 Technical Guide.</strong></p>
    <p>Transport for NSW provides projections of employment at the small area (Travel Zone or TZ) level for NSW. The latest version is Travel Zone Projections 2022 (TZP22), released November 2022.</p> <p>This new version TZP22 is an update on the previously published <a href="">TZP19</a> and aligns with the <a href="">NSW Government Common Planning Assumptions</a>.</p> <p>TZP22 Employment Projections are for employed persons by place of work. They are provided by Industry using two breakdowns:</p> <ul> <li>33 industry categories (equivalent to the ABS 1-digit Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) codes with the exception of Manufacturing which is at 2-digit level).</li> <li>4 Broad Industry Categories (groupings of the above)</li> </ul> <p>The projections in this release, TZP22 are presented annually 2016 to 2026 and five-yearly from 2026 to 2066 and are in TZ16 geography.</p> <p>Please note, TZP22 is based on best available data as at early to mid 2022. It includes the impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic and does not include results from the ABS 2021 Census as the relevant data had not been released at the time of TZP22 production.</p> <p><strong>Key Data Inputs used:</strong></p> <ul> <li>TZP22 Workforce Projections</li> <li>Census Journey to Work 2016 dataset by Destination Zone - ABS</li> <li>State-level Employment projections – NSW Treasury</li> <li>Employment by industry projections - Victoria University</li> <li>Future Employment Development Database (FEDD) - a custom dataset compiled by TfNSW in late 2019 and updated in mid-2022, that presents the number of jobs expected from major projects based on publicly available documents.</li> </ul> <p>For a summary of the TZP22 Projections method please refer to the <a href="">TZP22 Factsheet</a></p> <p>For more detail on the projection process please refer to the <a href="">TZP22 Technical Guide</a></p> <p>Additional land use information for <a href="">population</a> and <a href="">workforce</a> as well as <a href="">Travel Zone boundaries for NSW</a> are also available for download on the Open Data Hub.</p> <p>A visualisation of the employment projections is available on the Transport for NSW Website under <a href="">Reference Information.</a></p> <p><strong>Cautions</strong><br /> The TZP22 dataset represents one view of the future aligned with the NSW Government Common Planning Assumptions and population and economic projections.</p> <p>The projections are not based on specific assumptions about future new transport infrastructure, but do take into account known land-use developments underway or planned, and strategic plans.</p> <ul> <li>TZP22 is a strategic state-wide dataset and caution should be exercised when considering results at detailed breakdowns.</li> <li>The TZP22 outputs represent a point in time set of projections (as at early to mid 2022).</li> <li>The projections are not government targets.</li> <li>Travel Zone (TZ) level outputs are projections only and should be used as a guide. As with all small area data, aggregating of travel zone projections to higher geographies leads to more robust results.</li> <li>As a general rule, TZ-level projections are illustrative of a possible future only.</li> <li>More specific advice about data reliability for the specific variables projected is provided in the “Read Me” page of the Excel format summary spreadsheets on the TfNSW Open Data Hub.</li> <li>Caution is advised when comparing TZP22 with the previous set of projections (TZP19) due to addition of new data sources for the most recent years, and adjustments to methodology.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Further cautions and notes can be found in the TZP22 Technical Guide.</strong></p>

  • Added resource TZP22 Employment by GCC Six Cities 2016-2066 to Employment Projections

  • Added resource TZP22 Employment by GSC District 2016-2066 to Employment Projections

  • Added resource TZP22 Employment Summary to Employment Projections

  • Added resource TZP22 Technical Guide to Employment Projections

  • Added resource TZP22 Summary FactSheet to Employment Projections

  • Added resource TZP22 Employment by industry and travel zone 2016-2066 to Employment Projections

  • Added resource All Resources - TZP19 - Employment Projections to Employment Projections

  • Added resource All resources - v1.51 - Employment Projections to Employment Projections

  • Added resource TZP22 Employment Data Dictionary to Employment Projections

  • Added resource TZP22 Employment by LGA 2016-2066 to Employment Projections

  • Added resource All resources - v1.3 - Employment Projections to Employment Projections

  • Added resource TZP22 Employment by TZ 2016-2066 to Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource TZP22 Employment by GSC District 2016-2066 from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource All resources - v1.3 - Employment Projections from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource TZP22 Employment Data Dictionary from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource TZP22 Employment by LGA 2016-2066 from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource TZP22 Employment by TZ 2016-2066 from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource TZP22 Technical Guide from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource All Resources - TZP19 - Employment Projections from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource TZP22 Summary FactSheet from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource TZP22 Employment by GCC Six Cities 2016-2056 from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource TZP22 Employment by industry and travel zone 2016-2066 from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource TZP22 Employment Summary from Employment Projections

  • Deleted resource All resources - v1.51 - Employment Projections from Employment Projections